Mountainbike tour

7109 | Ried - Fendels

This connection from Ried to Fendels starts from the sports field in Ried and leads to the car park of the mountain railway in Fendels. First follow the cycle path through the centre of Ried and then turn left towards Langwiese. From here, there is less traffic and you can enjoy the landscape past farms and meadows to the full. There is little rolling resistance on the tarmac, which is why the
750 metres in altitude just tumble away and you leave one hairpin bend after another behind you. At Gfrans, there is a barrier signalling the transition to the forest road. The route continues on forest and gravel paths through the forest, over the Fendler Mure (small river), which is occasionally filled with water, and over the old toboggan run to Fendels. Once in the village, there is another bend to the left that leads to the Fendler Bergbahnen car park and you have arrived at the end of the tour. For the return journey to Ried, you can take the alternative route via Fendler Straße.
Start point
Sportplatz Ried
End point
Fendels Bergbahn

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